Monday 9 September 2013

Print Advert LIAR

 The Last of us, the background for the advertising is very dark and dull and includes the 2 main characters on them. The game itself is a PS3 exclusive so the marketing is there at the bottom to represent what console it is playable at. The advertising also includes what the game was rated to attract customers and a picture of the game case design for people to remember when making their purchase. The effect created here is to show a very dark and mysterious game.

The game is produced by Naughty Bear and is available on PS3. It was commercially successful as it produced 10/10 reviews worldwide and hit sales over 1.5 million in the first 24 hours.

The audience is targeted both male and female but male dominate it more. The game is targeted at people aged 18 and over.

The dark cover art makes the game look dull and weird, it represents the main 2 characters which tells the story of the game.

1 comment:

  1. Alan, a stunning blog so far - the fruitbowl is a masterpiece! Some WWWs and EBIs to consider.

    WWW: Well done, professionally presented and formatted. A great start to Media.

    WWW: You’ve covered all of the bases and have obviously spent a considerable amount of time constructing your analysis.

    EBI: Your analysis was deeper – the examiner will want to know of any inferences you could make based on the evidence that was in front of you.

    Action: FULLY explain all of your points, including why you think the audience is of a certain demographic and exactly what effect the colours/images/institution/reputation would have had on the target audience

    EBI: Your writing was accurate and (where possible) formal for analyses.
    -Action: Spell check your work (digitally AND visually). Make sure your sentences MAKE SENSE

    Excellent start Alan,

